NGOs: the best PR and Spin Doctors that (sex-industry) money can buy

Update: The German version has been made available by German Sisters, and is available here:

Don’t hesitate to read and share!

Disclaimer: Anyone seriously concerned about the topic of prostitution is advocating for the decriminalization of the Prostituted (women and children). The position adopted in this text is to criminalize the buying and the procuring of women and children as goods in the “sex-industry” for the enjoyment of men.

I refuse to use the terminology “sex-work”, if not in quotations. Words are important, and the term “sex-work” conceals the fact that 95% of the Prostituted are Women and Children. The term also implies that prostitution is a reasonable career choice for a human being and a normal way  to make a living, like domestic work or any other physical labor job. 

“The Prostituted” is a term that actually reflects the  reality of the situation and the ramifications of the Industry. Many survivors find it the most apt word.  It is used by the artist Suzzan Blac who herself survived the slave-trade of prostitution and pornography.


“Mind fuckers” 2012

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Suzzan Blac Art: Resilience and Truth

I love your comments and I follow all the links I get. We might argue, but most often we share anger, indignation, ideas and solidarity (yes, I’m lucky that you take the time to leave a word of appreciation!)

This time, I -was lucky enough that Suzzan Blac read my text, commented, and left me an open door to her work.

I followed the link and it was mind-blowing. Her story is sadly way too common. Her resilience is not.

“Suzzan Blac’s early years were the stuff of the darkest nightmares: abject poverty and spirit-crushing abuse. Adolescence brought a harrowing coercion into the horrific world of the sex trade where she was held prisoner. She escaped, but spiraled into depression. Eventual marriage to a loving man and two beautiful children gave her a sense of normalcy for the first time in her life. But the long buried memories kept her an emotional hostage. To free herself and heal, she started painting. Out came 42 pieces, so raw they shocked even the artist. She hid them for a decade. When finally she revealed them, fame followed. Her work is exhibited around the world.”

Her art breaches intellectual defenses and hypocrisy. Her art overwhelms the heart. You can’t search “logical” counter arguments while looking at it. This is visceral, you absorb her message, and suddenly the story of her life is yours too. The trigger warning comes here, as many will recognize themselves in the things she paints, those things people don’t like to talk about. It’s distressing.

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Amnesty International and Mens rights: buy and sell sex

German version available on:
Warm thanks to @IngeReed -German version- and @PhoenixUtters for fixing, reading, translating, and editing! !


According to an internal leaked document from Amnesty International, the organization fights hard to defend people involved in prostitution. Namely, clients and pimps.

This document is not an harmless draft escaped from an intern’s drawer. This is an internal policy document to define the global strategy of the organization on the prostitution issue. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter wrote an open letter to Amnesty, because such a policy in destroying YEARS of progress in the fight against sexual exploitation. Amnesty Sweden and Amnesty Australia have publicly dissociated themselves from their headquarters.

This document states that criminalizing a prostitute’s client is an attack against both privacy and individuals free choice. This document also states that the access to  prostituted women is a fundamental human right.


Amnesty is a prestigious organization known for its fight for the rights of political prisoners, against forced marriages, against summary executions, etc. And it is now campaigning for men’s rights to access the bodies of those more vulnerable than themselves. This is both shocking and hard to understand. In a time where the debate around prostitution is raging, it is of extreme importance to analyze Amnesty’s text, and understand the significance of this stance- especially when it is defended by an organization which inspires people.

So how, when and why did Amnesty turned it’s back on the victims and began to fight for the pimps?

In 12 points, we will see that:

1. Amnesty deliberately mixes up the conflicting interests of prostituted women and buyers;

2.  Amnesty minimizes the extent of human trafficking for sexual exploitation;

3. Amnesty the emotional and physical costs of prostitution and present it as an autonomous life choice;

4. Amnesty defends full decriminalization, while legalizing countries have turned to disasters;

5. Amnesty defines prostitution as female empowerment for those living with less than 2,50$ a day;

6 and 7: Amnesty definition of sex work. When food and shelter become remuneration;

8. Amnesty defends porn, in the name of ART and freedom of expression;

9. Amnesty defends pimping as support function;

10. Amnesty considers access to prostitutes as a New Mens’ Right;

11. Amnesty quotes International Treaties but lie about their content;

12. Amnesty defends clients, because # notallmen are violent!

And (conclusion), you may want to know why Amnesty is taking this stance? A sickening yet foreseeable reply.

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Good news: Feminism IS for sale!

A French version of the same text (more or less) has been made available by your favorite boxer here.

Angry. #likeagirl

One of the components of my job is to write criminal analysis papers. I try to reflect on gender perspectives when I’m given the possibility. The last paper I co-authored was supposed to discuss women’s role in fighting the new methamphetamine threat in West Africa.

Before publication, it has been edited to the point where this primary concern was almost absent. Women groups in traditional societies were the crux of my reflexion. Several edits later, women groups have been reduced to a social structure amongst others, way behind media or religious groups.

And to make things worse, the paper has been delayed several weeks, to make room for another analysis about the visit of a Central Asia country president to China. This was considered of greater importance than the actions of millions of West African women actions.

Like a story on millions of women was no match compared to a story on a single man, let him be president.

But this is about to change.


A lot is happening right now in the world. Numerous feminist movies, documentariesarticlesdemonstrationscommercials, blogs, campaignsartistic projects, just name it.

At the same time, members of our community are increasingly afraid of the recuperation of our movement for equal rights. Many think that the recuperation by the movie, advertisement and other commercial industries will just destroy us, and transform the 4th wave of feminism into pink marketing.

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